
Play a Story

Start creating your own music

Our step-by-step program will guide you through the learning process and provide you with the inspiration needed to create your own unique music

The best learning experience starts with inspiration


 Thats why our unique learning materials are based around stories and movies that will transport your imagination beyond the confines of your home or studio to amazing new places.

Our animated stories are for younger learners (4 -7 years) and use the power of story telling  combined with narration, music and sound effects to immerse children in a world that will capture their imagination and encourage them to continue in the learning process.

As an older player (8 years - adult) you'll be inspired in your playing through movie scenes with rhythm tracks, music and sound effects all designed to kick-start your creative juices. 

Stories and movies are based around the three themes of the Zephyr Wind, the Ocean and Travel

Song of the Zephyr-Wind

Song of the Zephyr Wind

In this theme we experience the world as heard through the Zephyr-Wind in the forest. 

Key theoretical concepts include pentatonic and chromatic scale, chords and extensions, tonic tension, rhythmic style and more.

Ocean Lullaby

Ocean Lullaby

Here we explore the sounds of the ocean as imagined by the musical memories captured inside a seashell. 

Key theoretical concepts continue to build with dynamics, blues scales and bass riffs, whole-tone scale, and more.

Travel Notes

Find yourself uniquely transported into countries and cultures all over the world. 

Key theoretical concepts continue to build with swing and syncopated rhythms, major and minor modes, articulation and more.


The InnerMusician Step-by-Step Approach to Improvisation

  • Step 1: Motif. View the motif, the small musical idea that will be your building block
  • Step 2: Listen. Set the mood for your learning experience by listening to and watching our stories and movie clips
  • Step 3: Learn. Learn short musical patterns or motifs that you will use to give expression and life to the stories and movies
  • Step 4: Play.  Use the motifs you have learned to play along with our stories and movies and create your own musical soundscape
  • Step 5: Explore.  Explore our demo videos to provide you with further improvisational ideas to add to your own musical creations 

Used by Thousands of Learners Worldwide

Since the first roll-out over a decade ago, Play a Story has been used by thousands of players ranging from first-time learners through to experienced players who are looking for more from their piano playing.

Geraldine (mature aged learner)

'What I’ve learnt in (conventional) lessons has been greatly enlarged and enhanced by a Play a Story. Previously I would get to a certain level and feel I couldn't go much further. The Play a Story program helped me to break through that barrier. It gave me the freedom to listen to the music, see the story and then interpret it whichever way I felt. It broke down all the barriers. It unlocked the doors.'

Jenny (parent of learner)

'Riley’s really enjoying the fact that he's playing music that sounds really musical without learning notes one at a time and scales and things that I remember learning. He can't wait to get home and show his brother and his dad what he's learnt. He ducks off all the time to have a little practice and play on his own. It really enhances Riley’s self-confidence in playing the piano and showing other people what he's learning. He's really enthusiastic about it!'

Simple Pricing

Choose whether you want to start with an individual Journey or purchase a Three Journey Pack and receive a 20% discount 


$70 for 2 years


What you'll get:

  • 24 different inspirational scenes
  • 134 animated story book videos
  • 48 Play along movie clips
  • 186 coaching videos
  • 24 downloadable audio tracks
  • 111 beginner and advanced improv demonstration videos
  • 25 motif demonstration videos
  • downloadable charts, motif summaries, key theoretical concepts and more!


$28 per year

What you'll get:

  • 8 different inspirational scenes
  • 46 animated story book videos
  • 16 Play along movie clips
  • 74 coaching videos
  • 8 downloadable audio tracks
  • 42 beginner and advanced improv demonstration videos
  • 8 motif demonstration videos
  • downloadable charts, motif summaries, key theoretical concepts and more!


$28 per year

What you'll get:

  • 7 different inspirational scenes
  • 42 animated story book videos
  • 14 Play along movie clips
  • 57 coaching videos
  • 7 downloadable audio tracks
  • 33 improv beginner and advanced demonstration videos
  • 8 motif demonstration videos
  • downloadable charts, motif summaries, key theoretical concepts and more!


$28 per year

Top features

What you'll get:

  • 9 different inspirational scenes
  • 46 animated story book videos
  • 18 play along movie clips
  • 55 coaching videos
  • 9 downloadable audio tracks
  • 36 beginner and advanced improv demonstration videos
  • 9 motif demonstration videos
  • downloadable charts, motif summaries, key theoretical concepts and more!