Play a Score
Learn to read, play, improvise and compose your own piano music.
Our cinematic backing tracks and intergalactic movies are outta this world!
Read… Play… Improvise… Compose… It’s a BIG mission!!!
In keeping with the InnerMusician philosophy that the best learning experience starts with inspiration, Play a Score uses the visual impact of spaced themed movie clips to get your creative juices flowing

Mission 1
Mission 1 blasts you into the world of rhythmic notation, teaching you to read, play and write music. With rhythmic rocket fuel we explore the ‘Planet C Galaxy’ while playing along to exclusive backing tracks and space themed short movies. You'll be playing both hands on the grand piano stave from the very beginning.
This first mission gives you a comprehensive musical experience of rhythmic notation (US and British/Australian terms) using target notes across 6 octaves, dynamics, simple and compound meter.
Learn online through skilfully guided creative play. You'll be introduced to concepts one at a time, each concept reinforced through reading and playing a new score and writing your own composition. Manuscript paper is tailored and provided for each session... simply print and create.
Sound truly epic while playing along to our 16 bar, 2 minute movies... titles such as 'Intergalactic Travel', the 'Fiery', 'Opal', 'Icy' and 'Darkest Galaxy' series, 'Cosmic Waltz' and our own take on 'Interstellar'.

Mission 2
Mission 2 will launch into new target notes, 5th orbits, intervals, chord building, inversions and compositional patterns. Adding 'one small step' to each composition will grow into 'one giant leap' for your musicality. Just like space exploration, music exploration will broaden your horizons. You'll play with fresh ideas, new sounds and find unique ways to express yourself.
Continue the space journey with us online, through skilfully guided creative play. You'll be introduced to concepts one at a time, each concept reinforced through reading and playing a new score and writing your own composition. Manuscript paper is tailored and provided for each session... simply print and create.
Moving on from Mission 1, there's new music scores to accompany you and new cinematic movies to play with such as 'Nebular', '1st Star', 'The Star Nursery', 'Waltz of the Planets', 'Deep Space', 'Transmitting' and 'Space Walk'.
Score a Story: Mission 2 awaits its flight commander... to infinity and beyond!
Flight Plan
Step 1: Space Academy.
- Learn: Learn a new concept about rhythm.
- Beat: 'Tap-along' movies help you tap out our scrolling rhythmic score.
- Play: 'Play-along' movies help you play our scrolling rhythmic score while improvising your own C notes.
Step 2: Flight Simulator
- Read: See how the rhythmic concept appears in a written music score.
- Play: 'Play-along' movies help you play our scrolling music score.
Step 3: Launch Pad
- Improvise: Play around on the piano, along to our full screen movies (without scrolling scores) exploring your own ideas for your composition.
- Compose: Write your own song using our tailored manuscript paper.
- Perform: 'Play-along' blank movies enable you to perform your own soundtrack.
Mission Control Panel
Both Teachers and Students are loving the innovative and fun learning approach of "Play a Score"
Teacher Feedback
"I love the backing tracks and the movie! You get inspired to create your own (music) "
"Woo hoo! What fun :)"
"This is so brilliant, being able to visually see the moving beats while hearing it. You are one clever lady, Lyndel! "💖
"This is brilliant! The keyboard against the staff with the planets. An excellent visual connect"
I so enjoy this one! Sounds so pretty. Up tempo made me feel like I was in the dancing amongst the stars. xxx
Student Feedback
"That was cool, amazing and umm... I don’t know how to describe it. All I could say is that was fantastic. !!!Thank You!!!"
"I love it 🥰"
"I love the music and the background, it's so bright and colourful; that's why I like it!"
"This is the greatest thing ever and I can already do it with no clicks perfectly...."
"I love reading and making music, and you read and make music here on this website; so I can do both my favourite things!"